Patta has given me the courage to fight all odds…
Kali’s life is an untold story of misery and deprivation. Undeterred by the challenges, Kali continues to fend for her seven member family.
Her husband, Ashram Harijan, is thirty five; but cannot walk properly or lift even moderate weights. He limps due to deformity in his right limb caused by lack of medical attention which, in turn, was the result of his poverty. His handicap ruled him out of working as a wage labourer, the only job option available to him. The situation left Kali with no way out than to shoulder the responsibility of being the sole bread earner for the family.
The couple has four daughters – aged eighteen, fifteen, twelve and eight – and a four-year old son. Kali had her hands full trying to earn enough to feed and clothe the family of seven that lives in a one-room hut to which they did not have legal right. The pain of living life has been much more than the emotions and fears of losing her husband’s support for her lifetime. With the passing of time, Kali has understood that there is no one in this world who can lend a supportive hand to her.
She sells dry fish in the village. Every day, she invests 100 rupees to procure her stock from the merchant and earns a paltry profit of around 20 rupees which does not even cover the cost of food.
Having suffered so much in life, Kali had hardly found anything to call her own possession. For years, she had literally forgotten to smile.
“The community resource person, a friendly neighbour, identified me aslandless and our Revenue Inspector ensured that I get a patta to a piece of homestead land measuring four decimals,” says Kali.
Patta has brought her a whole new world of joy. Her new found confidence comes out loud and clear when she says, “Patta has given me courage to fight all odds.” She looks forward to have a housing grant under IAY that will provide her a secure home.