Asia and Africa Days at ILDC 2021
ILDC 2021 will have two dedicated days (Nov 21 , 2021 and Nov 25 , 2021) with a focus on adding exposure and cross learning on land governance from South and Southeast Asian and African geographies and experiences.
The idea is to expose, amplify and exchange information and conversation among similar socio-economic and cultural contexts, multi-actors and the legal, administrative and technology interventions, that are being taken up on such landscapes and land uses to address informality, inclusion and efficiency, to promote south-south cooperation and partnerships.
1. Share and exchange knowledge and best practices on issues related to land tenure security, especially around women , youth, indigenous communities, farmers, forest-dependents, pastoralists, urban poor and other vulnerable groups in customary and informal jurisdictions; options/modalities for transparent, accountable and sustainable land-based management and investments; addressing land-related conflicts; land governance for peace and resilience etc.
2. Explore land administrative innovations, land – technology interface, land – business interface to understand opportunities, challenges, potential solutions and potential collaborations.
3. Provide a platform for networking among researchers, policymakers and other stakeholders to enhance South – South cooperation in the domain of land governance.
4. Provide space for informed policy dialogue among stakeholders and opportunities for advocacy and resource mobilization in support of local and global land policy initiatives.
Expected Outcomes
1. Improved knowledge around evidence-based land policy development
2. Improved networking, partnerships and resources around land governance and land policy among the global land community
3. Roadmap available for developing South-South Land Platform
Expected Outputs
1. Conference papers
2. Web articles/Blogs and opinion pieces
3. Conference report
4. Press releases

South & South East Asia Day, 21 November, 2021
As part of ILDC 2021, we hope to organize South & Southeast Asia Day on 21 Nov 2021 to explore the cross-learning potential in the domain of land and to enhance South – South cooperation in the area of land governance.
South and South East Asia countries carry similar land tenure and land use regime, with cultural, geographic and ecological similarity. While they have attempted socialist land reform and witnessed economically liberalisation, the national political upheavals and influence of social movements have shaped their land governance process and tenure security outcomes. There remains considerable potential for cross learning to help regional cooperation and scaling up, yet they are inadequately explored around land, except for initiatives like ILC-Asia etc. ILDC2021, makes an attempt to bring together regional actors – civil society, academia and governments to share their experiences, issues, challenges and good practices.
Focus Areas:
Land administration innovations and trends, use of IT/GIS (AL/ML, cloud, drone, block chain etc.) technology, registration of customary/communal/forest lands, pilot experiences, good practices, political economy, risks and challenges, way ahead
Formalization of urban informal settlements, housing for all, affordable housing, land-based financing, technology-society interaction, spatial justice, urban commons and access
Investment and conflict, largescale land appropriation and land grabbing, experiences around responsible investment frameworks and guidelines (viz. UNGP BHR, FAO’s VGGT, USAID, Landesa, Interlaken etc.)
Land rights of women, youth, marginalized communities viz. pastoralists, fishers etc. legal provisions, societal practices, resource availability, exclusions as well as good practices using institutional and technology innovations
Land data and monitoring, SDG reporting, national surveys and statistics reporting land rights, granularity, sex-disaggregated data, data privacy, ethics, FPIC etc.
Partners (Confirmed So far)
* CSRC, Nepal

Africa-India Day, 25 November, 2021
As part of ILDC 2021, we hope to organize Africa Day on 25 Nov 2021 to explore the cross-learning potential in the domain of land and to enhance South – South cooperation in the area of land governance.
With an area of about 30 million km2 (20% of the earth surface) and about 800 million inhabitants, Africa is the second largest and most populous continent after Asia. Similar socio-economic, cultural and land administration contexts, colonial legacies, land use, development and investment transitions, as well as ongoing adoption of similar legal and technical pathways, make it imperative to share information and experience and engage in cross-learning conversations and explore collaborations.
Focus Areas:
Land administration innovations and trends around fit for purpose models, use of IT/GIS (AL/ML, cloud, block chain etc.) technology, registration of customary/communal lands, social tenure domain models : pilot experiences, good practices, political economy, risks and challenges, way ahead
Formalisation of urban informal settlements, housing for all, affordable housing, land-based financing, technology-society interaction, spatial justice, urban commons and access
Investment and conflict, largescale land appropriation and land grabbing, experiences around responsible investment frameworks and guidelines (viz. UNGP BHR, FAO’s VGGT, USAID, Landesa, Interlaken etc.)
Land rights of women, youth, marginalized communities viz. pastoralists, fishers etc. legal provisions, societal practices, resource availability, exclusions as well as good practices using institutional and technology innovations
Land data and monitoring, SDG reporting, national surveys and statistics reporting land rights, granularity, sex-disaggregated data, data privacy, ethics, FPIC etc.
Partners (Confirmed So far)
* UN Habitat/ GLTN
* Youth Initiative for Land in Africa | Yilaa │ www.yilaa.org
* Namibia University of Science and Technology (TBC)
* PLAAS, University of Western Cape, South Africa (TBC)
* NAMATI, Kenya (TBC)
* Mr Oumar Sylla , Regional Director (Acting), UN Habitat, Africa
* Innocent Antoine Houedji , Coordinator, Youth Initiative for Land in Africa