BRAC, the largest non-governmental organisation in the world and global leader in developing cost-effective, evidence-based programmes in conflict-prone and post-disaster settings. BRAC works with people living in situations of inequality and disadvantaged communities around the world. BRAC develops proven approaches to address poverty and empower vulnerable people at scale, and bring programmes to where they are most needed.

Landesa Rural Development Institute is a nonprofit organization that partners with governments and local organizations to secure legal land rights for the world’s poorest families.
Since 1967, Landesa has helped more than 180 million poor families in 50 countries gain legal control over their land. When families have secure rights to land, they can invest in their land to sustainably increase their harvests and reap the benefits—improved nutrition, health, education, and dignity. Reach Landesa at https://www.landesa.org/

The Rural Aid Service (RAS) is a non-profit, non-political, secular organization registered in Manipur Societies Registration Act. The Rural Aid Service was incepted since 1995 in view of bringing peace and development with the sole spirit of “Empowerment through Social Action”. The organization strive to make a humble contribution to economically vulnerable groups of people, committing ourselves as an agent of solving problems also facilitating them in sensitizing their issues through social action with a limited capacity in partnership with others in building a better society, base on justice and peace.
Rongmei Baptist Association (RBA) is a church-based organization and is the apex administrative body for the Rongmei churches in Nagaland. In 1992, when the RBA stepped beyond religious activities, the broad objective was to empower rural people and reduce the rate of poverty in the region.
Utthan is a grassroots-based non-profit modeled around gender just and inclusive community empowerment. It employs Institutional Building and Leadership Development as key to bringing change in exploitative power relationships and realisation of rights, across its interventions around Gender, Justice, Livelihoods, Water & Sanitation. Utthan’s grounded experience of four decades clearly testifies how this leads to socio, economic and political change for those at the margins. It has developed several just and equitable demonstrations, both technical and social, around people’s institutions as a mechanism to lend sustainability with a clear multiplier impact. Utthan views its growth embedded in a strategy of Deepening Existing Efforts and Influence & Scaling Up, while still holding innovation, experimentation and learning as extremely relevant. . Reach Utthan at https://utthangujarat.org/
The Working Group for women and land ownership (WGWLO), is a network of 41 NGOs, CBOs and individuals in Gujarat, working on the issue of agriculture land ownership from livelihood, security, rights and empowerment angle for women. These are CBOs and NGOs spread in more than 15 districts of Gujarat, working at the rural grass roots level since 2003. Reach WGWLO at https://www.wgwlo.org/
Tata Trusts are amongst India’s oldest, non-sectarian philanthropic organisations. Since its inception, Tata Trusts have played a pioneering role in transforming traditional ideas of charity and introducing the concept of philanthropy to make a real difference to communities.Through grant-making, direct implementation and co-partnership strategies, the Trusts support and drive innovation in the areas of healthcare and nutrition; water and sanitation; energy; education; rural livelihoods; natural resource management; urban poverty alleviation; enhancing civil society and governance; media, arts, crafts and culture; and diversified employment. The Trusts engage with competent individuals and government bodies, international agencies and like-minded private sector organisations to nurture a self-sustaining eco-system that collectively works across all these areas. Reach Tata Trusts at https://www.tatatrusts.org/
International Land Coalition (ILC Asia), are a coalition of 54 organisations across 13 countries in Asia who all work on land issues. Our membership-driven network comprises of regional, national, and local civil society, producer and farmer, Indigenous Peoples, pastoral organisations as well as research institutes, non-governmental organisations, commitment-based organisations.
ILC Asia is committed to monitor national governments’ adherence to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), promote the Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance and Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT), to support World Forum on Access to Land, to put forward the principles of Food Sovereignty, and to develop a space for dialogues on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights through the National Action Plans (NAPs).
The platform also welcomes regional and national offices of the United Nations (UN), international research institutes and intergovernmental organisations. Reach ILC Asia at https://asia.landcoalition.org/en/
NIRMAN, not-for-profit organisation and a leading grassroots organization of Odisha in India trusted for its low-profile and committed civil society services that it has been rendering since its inception.
It works for livelihood improvement of indigenous people, smallholder farmers, and traditional fishers through conservation of bio-diversity, ecological agriculture, land tenure & sustainable management of natural resources. Reach NIRMAN at https://nirmanodisha.org/
Indian Grameen Services (IGS), not-for-profit company that develops and implements innovative solutions to exigent challenges faced by communities in rural and forested areas of India. They do so in a demand-driven, impact-conscious, and cost-efficient manner. Most of IGS’s work is done in partnership with other development agencies, to leverage synergies, enable convergence, and ensure scale.
IGS works with small and marginal farmers, tribal forest dwellers and women in and across India to help them enhance incomes through a four-pronged strategy as per the Algebra of Livelihood Promotion, viz. collectivization, increase in marketable surplus, reduction in the cost of production and risks, forward and backward linkages and value chain development. Reach IGS at https://www.igsindia.org.in/
PRADAN, created in 1983 as a not-for-profit organization, work in the poorest regions of India to help vulnerable communities organize collectives that help people, especially women, earn a decent living and support their families. PRADAN also help them access government programs and other entitlements as citizens.
PRADAN’s primary focus is to help people in marginalized communities develop their own skills and initiatives, instead of delivering services or solutions to them. They learn through experience how to build a livelihood and to access the information they need to engage effectively with government authorities and other people in power.
PRADAN partners with other civil society organizations and the government to influence development policies.
Reach PRADAN at https://www.pradan.net/
The Womanity Foundation, (“Womanity”), a private foundation registered in the UK and Switzerland, invests in audacious solutions that accelerate gender equality and create sustainable social change with a purpose to foster an inclusive world where all women and men enjoy equal rights and opportunities.
It runs programs across twelve countries, including Afghanistan, India, South Africa and a number of countries in the Middle East.
The Womanity Foundation works towards advancing gender equality for women and girls in communities they work with, increase and leverage funding in their thematic areas to deepen impact, build the capacities and resilience of partners advancing gender equality, build and disseminate content, evidence, and narrative to inspire and impact transformational change at a systemic level. Womanity has decided to audaciously and strategically embark on to accelerate gender equality and economic empowerment of women in India by developing and supporting sustainable models looking at women land rights pathways that can be adapted and scaled across the country.
Reach The Womanity Foundation at https://womanity.org/